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Spectacular Science Trip

This week Daria from 4W tells us about a school trip to the Science Museum.

We had to get a train to get to the Science Museum and it was 26 stops on the underground! When we arrived, we first had our lunch then we explored and saw how different things that use electricity work and how they have changed over the years. In the other part of the museum, we saw cars, steam engines and even a ginormous aeroplane which were used years ago. Then we went into a room all about space and there were space shuttles and a large globe which showed us all the plants and taught us all about them. We went upstairs and learnt about different types of technicians like fire technician, laboratory technician, hospital technician and packaging technician. I did a quiz and want to be a creative technician that works with light as I also had a go at the lighting control panel. I liked the trip because it was really exciting and fun learning about science especially space and the technician jobs.