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Living out our School Vision

Learning about 'God the encourager.'

Our Collective Acts of Worship have continued with the theme of characteristics of God.  This week, Rev Joel Edwards from Dagenham Parish Church spoke to us about God as an encourager – remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross and how that should encourage us within our Christian walk.  He also asked pupils to speak about a time when they faced a challenge, or were frightened or felt like giving up and to consider who encouraged them. 

There were some lovely examples from across the school, but my absolute favourite was a Year Three child who spoke about being nervous on his first day at William Ford and wanting to return to his infant school. He shared with me that someone encouraged him to stay and that everything would be ok.  I asked who: a teacher? Parent?  But no – a member of Year Six.  For me this sums up our wonderful school and how the pupils work hard to live out Our school vision, day in, day out.