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University graduation for Year Six Brilliant Club

Year Six Brilliant Club visit Royal Holloway University and then rewarded with a trip to Pizza Hut!

After a year of hard work, supported by a university PhD student, our Brilliant Club pupils have completed their 1000-word thesis on 'What is Fairness?'  They have received a university-style grading, with many pupils achieving a first, and have developed skills of critical thinking, resilience, verbal communication and independent research as well as essay writing.  All of these skills are important for future employment; it is also great to hear many of these children speaking about how they too would like to attend university having toured this amazing campus.


As a reward for their efforts and achievements, they were also treated to a Pizza Hut buffet and ice cream factory - one of our 11 engaging experiences: to eat in a restaurant.  The accompanying staff enjoyed this too!

Mr. Huntingford